25 Maggio 2018

Children/Young leaners

The lessons will cover a range of skills:

  • Reading;
  • Listening;
  • Writing and Speaking.

Vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation will be focused on. Extensive reading and listening are both taught through reading and listening to materials which they can understand.

Writing and speaking is followed by what they have learnt, they can prepare a story or play.

Vocabulary is taught through different types of word Games. Grammar is introduced to them from the basic level, this can follow by introducing the PPP (presentation, practice and production). Different pictures as prompts are used to teach the word depending on the tense you are focusing on at a time.

Students are taught the language in a special way that will enable them to speak and write by the time they have completed their course. At the beginning of the course, the teacher will assess the studend’s level of English and requirements of study.

Students will be assessed again at the end of the course by a qualified assessor, and a certificate of attendance will be awarded. The great advantage of studying with HEC is that your child will be able to use the language easily in any situation, therefore what is learned is not only confined to the classroom, but mainly to the outside world